Sunday, May 5, 2024

Pulling Together

Literally overnight, the mood of the nation’s beer drinkers has changed from ‘never had it so good’ to the doom and gloom of the enforced closure of their beloved pubs and bars. Now, more than ever before, our local pubs, breweries and independent bottle shops needs the support of those beer drinkers.

As such, inspired by the national CAMRA initiative, we have created a local ‘Pulling Together‘ website to help promote those local establishments not bowing to the extreme pressure of a complete shut-down but will be going to extra-ordinary lengths over the coming days, weeks and perhaps months to keep you supplied with the beers that you love.

If you are aware of any pubs, bars, breweries or bottle shops going the ‘extra mile’ to keep you supplied with beer, please e-mail us and we’ll investigate further.

We can’t replicate the vibe and atmosphere of pub or bar, which will sadly be lacking for the foreseeable future. As we can’t drink and socialise in our normal ways, let’s get intuitive and try to ‘get social’ in different ways. For this reason, we have created our very own virtual pub, the Stay Inn, where we can meet on a regular basis for a chat about all things beer-y. Join us for a chat every Thursday from 8pm – after clapping for our carers obviously!!