Sunday, January 12, 2025

Our branch

Welcome to the Wigan Branch of CAMRA – the Campaign For Real Ale.

CAMRA is a national organisation that is sub-divided into regions then further sub-divided into individual branch areas. Our branch is located in North-West England and covers an area midway between Manchester and Liverpool. Our branch is in the Greater Manchester CAMRA region. See our branch map for precise location.

Our aim is quite simple….to promote, preserve real ale, real cider and real perry and protect the places in which they are created and sold !!

This is achieved by visiting the pubs themselves, to encourage landlords to promote real ale or to give support to those that already do. We also establish close links with all our local breweries.

We also hold an annual beer festival where the public can drink quality beer at reasonable prices, talk to fellow drinkers about anything they fancy and generally have a good time.

We also have an active events programme – such as bus trips to local hard-to-reach pubs, coach trips to places further afield, or brewery visits. We like to socialise a lot – there’s always something happening within the branch for people to join in with. We meet at least once a month and anyone is welcome to come along. See the Branch Diary for what’s happening next.

Come and join us, you may even enjoy it!!